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You probably don't think twice about your nails, unless you're prepping for your next manicure. But our fingernails aren't just for nail art — they can actually be the window into some pretty scary health problems including lung cancer, heart disease, and more according to the National Institutes of Health.

So that got us wondering: What else could our nails be telling us? Whether it's low iron or (eek!) a bacterial infection, Dr. Susan Bard, Cosmetic Dermatologist at Vanguard Dermatology in New York, shares the telltale signs you should look out for and what they could mean.

Rigged, Bumpy Nails

What it means: Something — trauma, inflammation, surgery, medication, or even a fever — has caused your nails to grow in a bit bumpy.

What you can do: Be patient. The imperfections will eventually grow out. As you wait, buff them to improve their shape, or take biotin supplements to help them grow faster.

Indented, Curved Nails

What it means: Called koilonychias, a flat or concave nail could result from a faulty iron metabolism where you create too much (hemochromatosis) or too little (iron-deficiency anemia).

What you can do: Talk to your dermatologist. The curvature will likely grow out, but if it is related to an iron deficiency, they may prescribe a treatment plan.

Splitting Nails

What it means: If you're a fan of painting your nails, breakage is all too common. The act of wetting your nails, drying them, and re-wetting them is a surefire way to cause them to crack. Plus, nail polish is full of chemicals, and acetone is particularly drying, both of which can cause fingernails to split.

What you can do: First, give your nails a break. Then, keep them hydrated and buffed. And if you're frequently painting them, stick with a basecoat for an added layer protection. Again, Bard recommends biotin to help the nails grow in stronger.

Clubbed Nails

What it means: It's probably a sign of low oxygen levels, and is a secondary sign of lung disease, inflammatory bowel disease, cardiovascular disease, and liver disease.

What you can do: Visit your doctor to get a diagnosis.

White Nails

What it means: White nails can pop up in a number of ways. If you have spots? Totally normal, healthy nails. However, newly all-white nails can be a symptom of kidney disease, liver disease, or other infections.

What you can do: If you have white spots, there's no need to worry. But, if you have sudden onset all-white nails or white lines, check in with your doctor ASAP.

Yellow Nails

What it means: Discolored nails can be caused by a fungal nail infection or psoriasis. Nicotine and nail polish can also dye fingernails yellow. However, yellow nail syndrome — thickened nails paired with a yellow hue — can be a result of chronic bronchitis.

What you can do: If you smoke, stop. And if you're an avid nail polish user, give your nails a break occasionally. However, if it's fungal, consider an over-the-counter treatment.

Green Nails

What it means: A bacterial infection.

What you can do: Treat it with diluted white vinegar or topical antibiotics.

More on Nails:

How Bad Is it to Bite Your Nails?

17 Tricks to Make Your Manicure Last

16 Things You Didn't Know About Nail Polish

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